
CORTEN steel

CORTEN steel is a material that evolves over time, its transformation process varying depending on environmental conditions. It is prized for its ability to patina naturally, giving it great resistance to bad weather. Observed color variations may result from exposure to light and humidity. We supply unoxidized or partially oxidized products, and full maturity or passivation may not be achieved initially. These variations in appearance are particularly visible on parts that have undergone folding or welding, where the formation of patina is accelerated. Thus, significant differences in color may be noted between products from the same batch or different surfaces of the same product.


CORTEN transformation factors

The formation, adhesion and porosity of the patina on CORTEN steel are influenced by its composition as well as various local climatic factors, such as temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation and exposure time initial.



During the patina process, an essential step is the elimination of oxides generated by corrosion. This elimination is favored by the runoff of rainwater, which dissolves some of these oxides, thus creating runs likely to stain porous surfaces. It is therefore recommended to avoid placing items on light-colored floors or to opt for protection like that offered by Owatrol.


CORTEN steel

CORTEN steel is a material that evolves over time, its transformation process varying depending on environmental conditions. It is prized for its ability to patina naturally, giving it great resistance to bad weather. Observed color variations may result from exposure to light and humidity. We supply unoxidized or partially oxidized products, and full maturity or passivation may not be achieved initially. These variations in appearance are particularly visible on parts that have undergone folding or welding, where the formation of patina is accelerated. Thus, significant differences in color may be noted between products from the same batch or different surfaces of the same product.


CORTEN transformation factors

The formation, adhesion and porosity of the patina on CORTEN steel are influenced by its composition as well as various local climatic factors, such as temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation and exposure time initial.



During the patina process, an essential step is the elimination of oxides generated by corrosion. This elimination is favored by the runoff of rainwater, which dissolves some of these oxides, thus creating runs likely to stain porous surfaces. It is therefore recommended to avoid placing items on light-colored floors or to opt for protection like that offered by Owatrol.


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